Marta Reig Torres and Alfredo Fernández seize the opportunity to capture frames of the city and inhabit them as temporary stages. Creating a play of perception challenged by the distance and proximity of bodies, stories, and history. Short statements bouncing through memory and imagination, just for fun and hopefully bring a bowl of grace to ‘urban’ schizophrenic madness and hysterical history.
Concept: Marta Reig Torres & Alfredo Fernández
Coreography: Marta Reig Torres
Interpreter : Marta Reig Torres, Alfredo Fernádez, Miquel de Jong
Interpreter musician: Nicolas Ortiz
Urban explorers” was produced by Dansateliers Rotterdam for the festival Urban Explores Festival of Dordrecht, Holland.
May 11,12,13/Urban Explores (location performance)/Dordrecht/Dansateliers Rotterdam (NL)