Press Review
One - 2014
"a world of inversion and intensity and Marta Reig Torres delivers that with clarity and bodily power. She knots her arms to touch her face and leaves me with the strange feeling that those are my fingers stroking and probing. She shifts and twists and strips and grows and is utterly fascinating..."
Bellyflop magazine, by Kitty Fedorec, 4 July 2015, London, England. Agony Art.
Los Amantes de Teruel - 2009
Camino - 2007/2008
More Day More Night - 2002
The Dutch newspaper Volkskrant, November 2004 by Mirijam van der Linde. Cadance Festival
The Dutch newspaper Fries Dagblad, March 2007 by S. Van Ek.DansClick.
The Dutch newspaper Leeuwarder Courant, March 2007 by Jacob Haagsma, DansClick
The Dutch newspaper De Noordoostpolder Emmeloord, April 2007 by Ursi Frehner. DansClick
The Dutch newspaper ANP Leiden, April 2007 by Maarten Baanders, Dansclick
Navegando - 2002
Video portrait, Camino in the Dansclick 2010
The Underground City, Festival Invisible city in Schiedam